Mould is one of the most common forms of fungi in the entire world, since it can thrive in almost any condition in which moisture is present. This makes your bathroom – and the wall space which surrounds it – a perfect home for it. Once mould develops, you need to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Not only will it devalue your property and damage its structural integrity, it can also cause several adverse health effects. This guide will tell you how to check your bathroom.
The first thing you’ll need to know is where to look. Since moisture is so important for the growth of mould, you want to start by looking in places which experience either high humidity or the potential for leaking water. Spaces underneath the sink, the bath, and the toilet are common places to catch mould red-handed. You should also check your shower curtain, since the build-up of shampoo and body wash can be a mould-magnet.
Any vents or ducts should also be inspected with a torch, since their varying humidity can cause pools of moisture in which mould can develop.
Additionally, you will want to look along skirting boards and walls. The signs of mould might be less apparent here, but you should look for blackish spots – usually just above skirting boards or in corners at the ceiling. Areas which remain wet for a long time after the bathroom has been used may also contain mould.
In addition to discolouration, the presence of mould can also be betrayed by an unpleasant musty odour. However, this is not often the case, and it can be difficult to distinguish this smell within a bathroom. If you do think you have mould, you’ll want to make sure that that’s the case so you can start to act against it. In-home tests are available, but they tend to be tricky to use and relatively unreliable, so it’s far better to hire a professional. Not only will they be able to tell if mould is present, they’ll be able to gauge the extent of it and let you know how best to combat the issue.