If you are planning a party, or even a simple family dinner, if you think about adding some appetizers to your table, this recipe will enchant everyone of every age. Bite-sized, colorful and delicious, this recipe is simple but also creative. Useless to say it is fun to make and eat. You will need: fresh strawberries; eight ounces of cream cheese; ¼ cup of powder sugar; ½ tsp vanilla extract; ¼ tsp almond extract; some blueberries. Check out the directions and the video below to find the procedure.
Procedure: Begin cutting the top of each strawberry, take a melon baler or any small spoon that will allow you to scoop out the contents from within them. Be careful at the position of your strawberries on the plate, and cut a small slice of the bottom side so that they will sit in place. Take the mixer and blend together the cream cheese with the sugar and extracts you prepared until you get a fluffy composition. Take a piping bag (or make yourself one) and with it, fill in the cut and scooped strawberries. If you thought we forgot about the blueberries, now it is time to use them for decorating each appetizer.
Photo: newideasforyou.