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Thursday, 16 August 2012

Are you a minamilst or a maxamilist?!

How do you feel about the minimalist look? The reason I ask is that last night my Mum said (in only way a mum does) 'isn't it bare in here?! I mean, where are all your things?!' And I realised that I've slowly over time adapted to the Swedish more minimalist look and feel (oh and crammed more and more things into cupboards, drawers, under the bed......). For example, to my eyes, this home below seems very beautiful in a simple, serene way. But what do you think?  How do you get the balance between minamilist and personal?

Via Daily Dream Decor
Oh and it's a very important day tomorrow - my daughter's 4th birthday - she's been counting down the days / weeks / months so the pressure's on! I'm thinking it's unlikely I'll get back to you before the weekend but I'll try!

Mrs Minimalist x (wannabee?!).

Are you a minamilst or a maxamilist?! Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anna
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