Hello, everyone! I recently teamed up with the brand Dirty Ballerina for the re-launch of their website. I styled two of their pieces, available exclusively through Nordstrom: the Twiggy Yellow Co-Ordinates, images are below, and the Butterfly Wing Jogger Pants, images to come. Thanks to my photographer, Skai Photography, aka mom -- we were able to put together a fun vintage-style shoot to showcase the adorable Twiggy Co-Ords.
What I love about this brand is that they are all about embracing individualism--hence the motto, "born to stand out." Not one person in this world is exactly like another. We are all made differently with our own set of ideas, interests, and values. And if we are able to embrace those aspects of who we are without being swayed by extrinsic social forces, granted that those ideas, interests and values are good, then each and every one of us would have the potential to be amazing, and do amazing things. Think about it, have you ever tried to be like someone else? Or acted differently to please everyone else? I know I have, and although, at the time, I felt uncomfortable with being myself, I felt far more uncomfortable trying to be someone else. My parents taught me that to truly love myself, I must look deep within myself and know who I am — to acknowledge the good things, and the hardest part, the not so good things about myself. To love and embrace the good things, and work on the things that needs improving. They would say to me, “The greatest rewards and happiness will come when you are on the path of seeking to become a better person.” And they are right, after realizing and accepting that it’s best being me, everything fell into place. I became happier, and a much better person once I started putting my energy in loving, and improving myself rather than in trying to become someone else.
It is true, we ARE best and DO best when we are ourselves, even if it means standing out from the crowd! Who wants to be like everyone else anyways? If we speak our own minds and express how we feel, who knows, maybe there is someone out there that feels the same way, but is too afraid to speak up. We all have the potential to be “good” leaders, shakers, and changers in this world, if we choose to be. All it takes is for us to embrace individualism, be our genuine selves, live a life of grace and compassion, and walk with the knowledge that we are not alone -- there are so many others sharing the same path of life, but walking it in their own unique ways.