The weather in Roswell GA is like most other areas of the US that enjoy all four seasons; however, in the majority of cases the area only has a few short months that the temperatures dip to freezing. The month offering the lowest average low is January, but February is a close second. The temperatures start cooling down in October with an average low of 45 degrees Fahrenheit and by this time you are ready to turn on your heating system.
It is a good idea to have your heating system checked in September so you will not have to worry about turning on your heater to learn that it is broken. There are a few things you should do twice per year to ensure that your air and heating systems are ready for the heat in June or the cold in October. Learning how to maintain your heating system may ensure that you do not have a huge heating repair bill and have to figure out how to stay warm until the repairman can make it to your home.
In the spring and autumn of every year you should check your heating and air system. Check to ensure that the pilot light is lit and that is does not have any buildup or that there is no draft that may blow out the light.
Check the area around the heating unit for dirt and dust. The heater closet should be vacuumed and ensure that you are not storing any type of flammable material as this could cause a fire. Remember the dirt around the unit can also be blown into your home which will not be good for anyone’s health.
Your filter should be replaced once per month to ensure the air quality in your home is healthy. Another reason is to ensure that your heat and air unit is not working harder than it should to heat and cool your home. When your heat and air unit have to work extra hard you are actually burning energy that you not want to use while putting wear and tear on the unit.
The motor on your heater should be oiled every year in the autumn as well while the exterior of the air conditioner should be vacuumed in the spring to ensure that debris is not clogging the filtering system.
The flue can be checked in the autumn as well for any damage, dents or debris. Along with this ensure that you check the vents and registers for dirt and dust that will stop the air from flowing properly. Staying warm in Roswell GA is not a problem at all as long as you maintain your heating unit. Just by ensuring the system is clean and there are no worn parts you will never have to come home after going to the movies to learn that your heater is not working. Information courtesy of Roswell heating repairs.