Everybody has space problems when living in a gigantic city and there are all of these people living in all sorts of houses and apartments that seem to have the most important ability to get as close as possible to the city center. When this happens, everything gets crouded, and the houses and apartments seem to be getting smaller and smaller. This is not a good thing if you think about how many things you need to deposit in your little space called home. Because of this lack of space everyone is dealing with, someone came up with this storage mirror that has a lot of functions. First of all it has the ability to rotate 360° so that you can have access to four uniquely functional sides. On a face you can use a full-length mirror, on a second side you have five shelves, on the third side you have a large corkbord and last are the pegs. Buy [link]
Friday, 24 January 2014
Practical Storage Mirror
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